Take a walk past the bench of any seasoned bicycle mechanic, and you're likely to find a well-organized, labeled, and clean set of tools at his or her disposal. That's because the longer you wrench, the more you come to value your tools, and their organization becomes paramount to your productivity. Topeak's PrepStation 2 mobile workbench combines the time-tested quality of its tools with an easily portable and organizable interface. The unit's shelves extend both vertically, along the chassis' pull-handle, and they pivot around the handle's shaft, to make it easier to find tools you need, or for other mechanics to jump in. The five-level tower is compact enough to easily fit under counters or in the trunk of even a small car, and it all rolls on tough five-inch wheels that will last as long as any of the tools inside. It's an all-in-one workstation that can tackle virtually any challenge, anywhere.