Retail Price: $1,499.99
Current Price: $1,499.99
Buy It Now! | Liquid Force Wakefoil Wings > The Liquid Force Horizon 120 Foil Set is ideal for medium to large boats, with a low-speed lift tuned to excel in just about any conditions on the lake. The Horizon 120 Front Wing helps you fly farther with less, with a fast and lightweight feel that advanced riders are sure to appreciate. Foil Shim Kit 54 cm Bayonet Fuselage Horizon 120 Front Wing Surface Area: 1200cm^2 | Wingspan: 80cm H24 Rear Stabilizer Wing Surface Area: 240 cm^2 | Wingspan: 37 cm 28" Alloy Mast | Liquid Force Horizon 120 Foil Set 2025

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