DMM Halfnuts Assorted 8 - 11. Keeping your protection lightweight is important but so is being able to get it into tight and shallow placements. DMM makes all kinds of world-renown climbing equipment and DMM half nuts are balanced between harder alloy in sizes 1-4 and softer allow for improved bite in sizes 5-7. This DMM set includes all 7 sizes using DMM's color-coding system for quick identification and selection. The taper angles are the same as their regular Wallnuts but with greatly reduced weight allowing you to cut the weight of your gear or carry even more protection without being bogged down. Grab a pack today and take your climbing to the next level Dimensions Weight & Strength by Half Nut Size: Halfnut 1 = 6.7 x 7.2mm 10g 4kN Halfnut 2 = 8.2 x 7.9mm 10g 4kN Halfnut 3 = 9.4 x 8.9mm 15g 6kN Halfnut 4 = 11.0 x 9.9mm 16g 6kN Halfnut 5 = 13.2 x 11.3mm 18g 6kN Halfnut 6 = 15.6 x 12.8mm 21g 6kN Halfnut 7 = 18.9 x 14.3mm 22g 6kN Specifications for DMM Halfnuts: Manufacturer: DMM Color: Assorted Fabric/Material: Alloy Features of DMM Halfnuts Shape provides additional protection options and the reduced width aids stability in shallow placements. Sizes 14 are made of a harder alloy to prevent shearing and size 511 are made of a softer alloy to improve bite. Size 7 features scooped faces to save weight. Single cable sizes 1-7 reduces weight. Hollow extrusion and dual thinner cable on the 8-11 to save weight. The combined weight of the 1-11 Halfnut sets are 42percent lighter than the equivalent Wallnuts and they are similarly colour coded. Same taper angles and side profile as DMMs tried and tested Wallnuts. Colour matched shrink tube for easy identification. Package Contents: DMM Halfnuts DMM A1678/81A: Halfnuts Assorted 8 - 11