Retail Price: $29.99
Current Price: $29.99
Buy It Now! | Creatures of Leisure Leashes > The Creatures of Leisure Icon 9' Surf Leash is simple and reliable. No nonsense from the beginning, Creatures make straight forward products that work. Designed specifically for small to medium-sized waves. Stainless Steel Bearing Swivel An ingenious, virtually unbreakable component that actually lubricates itself as it spins. This unique capability produces continuous friction-free motion, which prevents the swivel from ever becoming stuck, eliminating leash tangles. DNA Flex Mold This unique design innovation helps the leash mold absorb wave impact rather than separating when under pressure. This is why Creatures of Leisure says "Stretch = Strength." Surefire Leash Release All Creatures leashes have a Surefire Leash Release tag, a permanently upright injection molded urethane tag which is easy to pull. The ergonomic design has permeation holes which allow the flow of water and reduce weight. Cord Thickness 9/32" | 7mm Cuff Width 1.5" | 38mm Quit losing your footing and slipping off your board every time you drop in on a steep face. With the Sticky Bumps Basecoat Wax you can establish a long-lasting and durable layer that provides the foundation for any temperature-specific waxes to cling on to. Plus, with a non-toxic and biodegradable formula, this Basecoat Wax isn't just smart, it's responsible. Directions for Application Start with a clean deck and apply with light pressure in a circular motion to build a tight bump base pattern. Non-Toxic / Biodegradable / All-Natural Sticky Bumps' Hardest Wax | Creatures of Leisure Icon 9' Surf Leash 2024 - 9 Package (9 ft) + Wax in Black

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