This Coyote, 2-point tactical sling collaboration from Blue Force Gear and Larry Vickers adds simple adjustablity and comfort to the rifle sling.Featuring a single pull tab (quick adjuster) to shorten or lengthen the sling on-the-fly - quickly transitioning from a "hands-free" carry to a shooting position with a simple pull of the adjuster.Also features a 2" inline fixed pad that doesn't move up or down the sling and is made from closed cell foam that won't separate or gain water weight.All hardware is a newly designed DuPont ZytelA(R) nylon - which is lighter, stronger, and more flexible than traditional plastic sling hardware. The majority of the BFG slings shipped to the US Military feature Nylon Hardware. This extremely durable hardwere also prevents unintentional scratches to your rifle.Fits standard M4 style carbines such as M400, MCX, and 716.-1.25" webbing can be looped through sling swivels, buttstock slots, or combined with sling hardware (available separately)-Fits standard M4 carbines and other rifles such as M400, MCX, or 716-Can be mounted upside down (Adjuster to the rear) on traditional bolt action rifles and shotguns for a "muzzle up" carry *Note, does not include attachment hardware (Sling swivels). If sling swivel hardware is desired versus mounting direct, they must be purchased separately.